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rachel leintz
Jun 29, 2016
in defense of photojournalism
This past Sunday, I was really lucky to be able to attend my dear friend Amber’s wedding (more images to come soon!). She is one of my...

rachel leintz
Jun 26, 2016
missing a posting deadline!
Well, I'm missing a Sunday blog post deadline, but that's only because my dear, sweet friend Amber got MARRIED tonight! It was a really...

rachel leintz
Jun 22, 2016
ivories and directional light . . . an engagement shoot at the wrigley mansion
Well, for those of you that don’t live in the middle of the sweltering southwest desert, let me tell you, we are smack-dab in the middle...

rachel leintz
Jun 19, 2016
you’re engaged! what?
Over the past month or so, I’ve had a lot of questions surrounding the “engagement shoot.” Do I include one in my package pricing? Is it...

rachel leintz
Jun 16, 2016
and your name is? . . .
Last night I had my FIRST honest-to-goodness networking event. And it was a little nerve wracking! I mean, it’s a little weird, right?...
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