I'm a millennial, just like a lot of you. And my life has pretty much gone completely digital over the last decade or so. So I'm not surprised that most of my clients really just want digital files when it comes to their engagement sessions and their wedding photography. But here are 3 reasons why having printed images are so important!
1. Art for Art's Sake

True artists who use photography to capture the world, create art everytime they compose a shot. And it can be appreciated on a big or small screen. BUT! When that artist is tasked with telling the full story in a book. An actually, tangible book, a whole new form of art is created! Designing an album is one of my favorite parts of the wedding photography business. During engagement session or a wedding, I've get the chance to get to know my clients, to get to know their story, and I learn their style and their aesthetic. So creating a beautiful heirloom for them to keep and display in their homes is a new and exciting challenge!
2. For the kid's sake

We all remember looking at old wedding pictures of our parents and grandparents. And until very recently, that meant flipping through pages, not scrolling through screens. Which would you rather do with your own children? Bring them over to the computer and show them a Facebook page, or put a beautiful book, a treasure, into their hands? For me it's no contest :)
3. For the Joy of Memory

Albums, prints, canvases. They are all physical items that we can use in our homes. Works of art that become part of your lives, everyday, instead of memories we need to dig for on special anniversaries. Rather than scrolling through images on social media, and looking for an image to share, with physical prints, you will be reminded of your love story everyday. When you walk by the living room wall, when you walk down the hallway to your bedroom, or when you sit on the couch and see your Couture album on the coffee table. Why not use the epic art you created on a singularly special day to make EVERYDAY more beautiful?
На сьогоднішній день, я взагалі не можу уявити себе і своє життя без новин, і я дуже радий, що ми тут можемо поспілкуватися на різні теми і висловити свою думку. Мені ось дуже імпонує той факт, що я почав активно читати новини саме на цьому новинному порталі https://delo.ua/news/, де зібрані всі найактуальніші та найякісніші новинні події. Та й узагалі, саме завдяки новинному порталу Delo, я став більше дізнаватися нового, відкривати для себе нові тематики, які зі свого боку дуже продуктивно, а так само позитивно впливають на моє життя. Тому я вам настійно рекомендую ознайомитися з таким настільки якісним порталом новин, адже саме вони посідають провідне місце в моїй старне.